Coaching in the time of a pandemic

3 min readMar 13, 2020

“Do you agree that agile ways of working is not suitable for the new remote working mode? “

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

This was the message from my old waterfall nemesis, referring to the forced remote work by many of the knowledge workers across the world. He was referring to the “co-located” principle from the agile manifesto — the most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

My response was a suggestion to look at the intent behind the principles and not treat them as axioms. The intent is — teams require high communication bandwidth to be effective . As we enter the “new new ways of working” mode, maintaining a high #communication bandwidth within the team and outside is critical.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Perhaps, we need to take step back and rethink the way we work and live in the time of a pandemic. Most of us are in uncharted waters and coaches are not different either! As coaches , we are used to being present physically where work happens, to be able to guide and help people on the adoption of new ways of working. Influencing people in teams , leaders , processes , operating models etc — all without authority has been the core job description.

The existential question for coaches is — How can we continue to help and influence people to be more agile and respond better in this new new way of working ?

I believe the world needs more agile mindset than before to be able to respond quickly to changing situation

  • Team members need to help each other on the work front as some of us struggle on the personal front due to a number of reasons — childcare responsibilities , health etc.
  • It is also time for ruthless prioritisation of work to focus on true value and business outcomes— prioritisation is more important than before!
  • It is not about new features but more about stability and continuity
  • For technology teams , this can be an opportunity to work on those technical debt work items they have postponed for a long time or learn new skills that will help
  • It is very tempting for leaders to return to a command and control world — effectively negating any progress their organisations may have made towards modern ways of working
Photo by Lanju Fotografie on Unsplash

What can you as a coach do at a practical level ?

As coaches we can

  • redefine the coaching services that we offer — the way we can help teams by wearing different hats of facilitation, risk management , servant leadership …
  • help teams focus on reiterating the value of trust
  • encouraging leaders to delegate more!
  • get teams to be more transparent about work and work patterns
  • help teams acknowledge different needs of fellow team members
  • get teams to use asynchronous communication platforms such as #slack #msteams
  • get teams to just communicate more frequently
  • help teams to agree on a set of explicit communication and ways of working policies

Most importantly , let us try to be good humans first and do our part, through empathy and actions , in helping out our family, friends, co-workers and community




I help ​tech and biz teams change into simpler, smarter and safer units